Monday, August 21, 2006

Trying to get all accounts up to date

Been busy at the shop this past week, trying to get all the account work into the computer. We have the accountant coming out soon and I have just so much to do. I am going to the shop early tmorrow to try to get ahead befor I have to open the shop, no telephone peace and quiet.
Gee I've been boring lately, I only seem to talk shop shop and more shop, but I suppose that is my life at the moment. I seem to eat sleep and dream shop.
Jodie and Cassie are moving into our house next weekend, as they move in 3 weeks and Cassie doesn't like the idea of packing all their furniture. So it was decided that the best way was to get Jodie and Cassie out of the way and Jeff can pack and clean. What a good husband!!!!!! Still can't beat mine as he is so compassionate, loving, good cook and cleaner and listener. Sorry ladies he's not up for swaps. I am happy with what I have got. I am a very lucky person.
Must sleep now.
Keep smiling and healthy.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Had a giggle over your answers Judee. I'm Julie one of the interstate dter's.