Monday, January 19, 2009

Semi retirement?

I have been semi retired for about 1 week now and I don't now if its what it is cooked up to be.
What have I done:
Cleaned my house,
cleaned my house
cleaned my house,
looked after my grand kids
looked after my grandaughters friend
gone shopping
made two library bags,
cleaned my house
cleaned my house
cooked two cakes (at this rate I will soon put on heaps of weight)
cleaned my house
ironed, yes you read right, I ironed
washed clothes,
washed clothes
cleaned the house
checked out the internet
Killed two spiders. Wasn't I brave and they weren't just daddy long legs they we dinnersize huntsmans. (well dinner size might be exagerating just a little bit maybe they were the size of bread and butter size plates) lol
waited for bigpond to put on the internet (Now I am still waiting for a wireless modem)
How many times can you clean a house, you ask. Well,
I have had a nine year old grandaughter for the past week and her 9 yo friend over to stayone night, my 5 yo grandaughter stayed over also for two nights, so with all of them, it has made a big tonado through my house, let alone all the washing.
I am going to do some gardening today but it is going to be hot so not sure how long I will stay outside.
I have to start some more exercise otherwise I will end up ten tonne Tessie.
Well I am going to go and find some old clothes and do some gardening.
Keep smiling and healthy

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